Scala Int -(x: Long) method with example
The -(x: Long) method is utilized to return the difference of the specified int value and long value....
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Scala Char to(end: Char) method with example
The to(end: Char) method is utilized to return a range from the stated character to the ‘end’, which is given in the arguments list but here “step” is not specified in the arguments list....
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Scala Int <(x: Char) method with example
The <(x: Char) method is utilized to return true if the specified int value is less than the char value, otherwise returns false. Here the char value is the ASCII value of the specified char....
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Scala Byte <(x: Char): Boolean
In Scala, Byte is a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s byte primitive type). The method <(x:Char) method is utilized to return true if this value is less than x, false otherwise....
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Scala Byte !=(x: Float): Boolean
In Scala, Byte is a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s byte primitive type). The method !=(x:Float) method is utilized to return true if the value is not equal to the specified value x, otherwise returns false....
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Scala short ==(x: Byte): Boolean
Short, a 16-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s short primitive type) is a subtype of scala.AnyVal. The ==(x: Byte) method is utilized to return true if this value is equal to x, false otherwise....
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Scala Byte +(x: Long): Long
In Scala, Byte is a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s byte primitive type). The method +(x:Long) method is utilized to return the sum of this value by x...
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Scala Short -(x: Char) method with example
The -(x: Char) method is utilized to find the difference of the stated Short value and ‘x’ of type Char....
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Scala Byte <=(x: Double): Boolean
In Scala, Byte is a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s byte primitive type). The method <=(x:Double) method is utilized to return true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise....
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Scala Int ==(x: Double) method with example
The ==(x: Double) method is utilized to return true if the specified int value is equal to the double value, otherwise returns false....
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Scala Short -(x: Float) method with example
The -(x: Float) method is utilized to find the difference of the stated Short value and ‘x’ of type Float....
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Scala Byte <=(x: Short): Boolean
In Scala, Byte is a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java’s byte primitive type). The method <=(x:Short) method is utilized to return true if this value is less than or equal to x, false otherwise....
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